The QCC-100 can be built into either an internal or dongle version. The internal version is placed inside the DRO-350 case and is connected to the the DRO-350 PCB with either solderless connectors or directly soldered wires. The dongle version is designed to be plugged into the mini-DIN connector on the outside of the DRO-350. The total cost of the parts common to both versions is $6.96 from Digi-Key.
Part | Description | Vendor | Vendor Part# | Quantity |
Capacitor | Ceramic Capacitor, 0.1uF 50V | Digi-Key | 399-2127-ND | 1 |
Capacitor | Tantalum Capacitor, 10uF 16V | Digi-Key | 478-1837-ND | 1 |
ECS-ZTT | 20MHz Ceramic Resonator, with Caps | Digi-Key | X909-ND | 1 |
PIC12F629 | Flash 8-Bit CMOS Microcontroller | Digi-Key | PIC12F629-I/P-ND | 1 |
PCB | QCC-100 Bare PCB | ShumaTech | 99-0004 | 1 |
The internal version can be built with or without the solderless connectors. The solderless connectors add $0.74 but note that a couple of the solderless connectors must be ordered from Digi-Key in quantities larger than needed. This will add two dollars to the total cost for a single QCC-100.
Part | Description | Vendor | Vendor Part# | Quantity |
MTA100-4-H | MTA-100 header, 4pin | Digi-Key | A1922-ND | 1 |
MTA100-4-R | MTA-100 receptacle, 4 pin | Digi-Key | A19032-ND | 1 |
MT100-1-H | MT .100" housing, 1 position | Digi-Key | A26962-ND | 1 |
MT100-CR | MT .100" crimp receptacle | Digi-Key | A25970-ND | 1 |
HDR100-1-1 | Header, .100", 1 row x 1 pin | Digi-Key | S1012-36-ND | 1 |
The dongle version uses a male mini-DIN plug to connect to the DRO-350 and a female mini-DIN plug to connect to the quadrature encoder. The female mini-DIN plug has the same pin-out as the female mini-DIN connector on the DRO-350 when the internal version is used. The dongle can be easily built with a connector other than the female mini-DIN to better suit a particular quadrature encoder.
Part | Description | Vendor | Vendor Part# | Quantity |
MDIN-4-F | Mini-DIN, 4 pin Female | Digi-Key | CP-2140-ND | 1 |
MDIN-4-M | Mini-DIN, 4 pin Male | Digi-Key | CP-2040-ND | 1 |