You will only need to perform this step once per system that you use to program the DPU-550. Atmel's SAM-BA program is used to download the OpenDRO binary image to the DPU-550 via the USB connection. SAM-BA is found in the AT-91 ISP software package and there are two versions available, one for Windows and another for Linux. Download the one that is appropriate for your system. You can also look at the SAM-BA User Guide if you want more detail on the SAM-BA program since we will only cover the basics with the Windows XP version here.
Execute the setup program that you downloaded above. You will be presented with a standard Windows setup wizard. Click on the Next> button and then press the "I Agree" button if you are happy with the software license agreement. Press the Next> button again to move past the Readme file. Choose the Destination Folder appropriate for your system, though most people will want the default, and press the Next> button. Now press the Install button to install the software on your system. After the installation completes, press the Next> button. Select the shortcuts you want for your system and press the Next> button again. You will be prompted to reboot your system which is strongly recommended since the installation program installs a driver for the USB connection to your system.